Wednesday 5 October 2011

Prayer Partner Letter Sept 2011

Dear Praying Friends

Thank you for you prayers, we have just put some news and prayer points (a bit hurriedly).

1. The outreach to the temporary housing sites continues, with distribution of supplies, mobile cafes, mini-concerts etc. We have many teams coming through, some who need accommodation and other help.

2. The church continues in good spirits, united and cooperative. They are a great support to the work and there is a 'buzz' in Sunday worship. We thank God for them.

3. We have been refused 6x for office/ shop space we have tried to rent for an outreach centre in Arai Machi, near Sendai harbour. Our 7th application is in and we are waiting to hear. If the Lord has a different plan for us, please ask for his guidance.

4. On Monday Esther started at Farnham University of Creative Arts, doing Fine Art.

5. On Tuesday Tadamitsu took 8 tsunami victims to a charity concert run by Korean Christians. He is building up good relationships with many people.

6. On Wednesday Rod had the opportunity to give a New Testament, Two Ways to Live tract, and church invitation to the Vice-Mayor of Sendai and some other senior staff who received them politely. Very satisfying but they are just like anyone else really.

7. On Thursday, a team of 8 US pastors helped Tadamitsu hand out welcome packs (Bible, vitamin drink etc).

8. On Friday (today), Rod preached to 1200 boys at their morning assembly. Nearly didnt make when the car picked up a nail (our 4th puncture - the roads are full of nails). And Glenda had English classes with housewives.

9. On Monday 19th we have another Miniconcert at a Temporary housing site.

10. On Monday 26th we have an outreach at a coffee shop in Watari which an hour south of Sendai. It is being organised by a church member.

Please pray that God will draw many Japanese to faith in Christ and the 'earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea'.

Yours in Christ

Rod and Glenda Thomas