Wednesday 8 August 2012

Prayer Partner Letter Aug 2012

Dear Praying Friends

Sorry I'm late getting this posted.

The first part is devoted to thanksgiving. In 1996 we were agonizing over the different educational options for our children. In the end we settled on Hebron School in India because of its Christian standards, UK curriculum and centrality between UK, RSA and Japan. We were fully aware of the disadvantages too, ie communication with a school on top of a 2500m mountain in a 3rd world country, traveling and living in India and the separation of being 7000 km from home in Japan. In 1998 Amy and Andrew went for 6 and 8 years respectively and later Esther for 5 years and this June Christine graduated after 6 years and we all left India for the last time. In these 14 years our family has taken about 300 Hebron-related flights, our children usually travelling unaccompanied, on 12 different carriers, 10 different routes usually the cheapest, and travelled 10,000s km by train, bus and taxi. In all this time they have had no injury, serious loss or even serious delays. While there have been tears, anxious moments and many prayers God has blessed and protected them. Academically they have done better than we hoped and each is following the Lord. We don't know what the future holds for them but not knowing doesn't seem a good reason to hold back thanks now. I am not drawing any lessons from this other than God has answered our and your prayers and we want to publicly and loudly say thank you to Him.
"This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles."  Psa. 34:6

We also thank God for the way in which last year's tsunami has been a blessing. Our little church has been galvanised into action and we are so glad that Nishimura Tadamitsu has been working among tsunami evacuees full time for the past year. Sendai churches are more unified, bold and cooperative and many thousands have heard the gospel clearly who wouldn't have without the disaster. We have been able to start a monthly worship service in another area. There have been some conversions too and many more are thinking seriously about their souls. Personally the tsunami has re-motivated us and made us excited to be here.

But please keep praying;
1. 30th July (this Monday) Cafe/concert at a temporary housing site. We had a good response last time but not everyone was pleased that we were telling the gospel and we had some complaints.
2. 6th Aug. Bible study in Yamamoto with 5 friends of a church member (one has recently been converted  - pray for the rest)
3. 9th Aug. Cafe/concert at Shichigahama
4. 10th Aug. Cafe/concert at Natori
5. 16th Aug.  Christine's A'level results come out!
6. 18th Aug. Cafe/concert at Shichigo
7. 19th Aug. Sunday chapel at Gamo
8. 25th Aug.  The first 'Hallelujah Summer Fest' in cooperation with other Sendai churches. It is in the same place as our monthly Sunday Chapel near the harbour and will be run on the lines of a traditional Japanese festival with stalls, games etc etc. Our church's responsibility is to provide the drinks and run the children's activities.

And then there are the regular Sunday services at church. Most mid-week services are suspended for August so we can have a bit of a break. 2 people are in baptismal classes.

Thank you for your prayers!!

love from Rod and Glenda