Dear Praying Friends
Greetings from Sendai, Japan! We are so grateful for the army of prayer warriors who keep us and the work here before the Throne of Grace! I sent this out by email last week but have updated it. Sorry to have delayed posting the April one until now too.
We are thankful for the new faces at church. Miss N was being teased at work by some male colleagues and was quite tearful about it. So we advised her to tell the gospel to them boldly. As a result two of them have been coming to church for the last 3 weeks (Mr F and Mr H)! Neighbour old Mr C started coming a month ago and even attends the ladies meeting. Please pray for these and others to accept Christ.
1. We had an evangelistic mini-concert on Saturday (19th) at Temporary Housing. About 20 people came. The Tokyo team did Christian music and a young woman sang. It was fine so we had it outside the temporary housing in the carpark. Rod was also able to do a 10min message twice ( on the cross) and we had meaningful conversations with several people and 2-3 say they want bible studies.
2. Mini-worship at Gamo near the Harbour (20th) at 3pm. This was the 3rd time. We had 6 helpers from a Tokyo church and 8 of us from Sendai. About 8 local non-Christians came and one brand new Christian from the area. We sang about 5 hymns to wellknown tunes and Rod gave a message on the crucifixion from Luke 23 (thief on the cross etc). And afterwards we had tea and ate all Glenda's cakes. The new Christian is a young woman who was escaping from the tsunami when the water picked up her car and carried her 800m. She and her mother and granny spent the night on the car roof in the snow and she was sure her father had drowned. But the following morning they were re-united and she was determined to thank Jesus so she went to a RC church to thank the statue there and later got saved at the Franklin Graham meetings. She has been befriended by our young people which will be really helpful. We need to have a BS with her.
3. Please pray for our evangelistic mini-concert on Saturday (26th) at Temporary Housing at Shichigahama.
Another development is that Miss N brought a 3rd male friend to church on Sunday. He is a very nice young man and a PhD and he happily helped clean the toilets after the Gamo meeting! He just needs to believe.
Christine is writing A'levels in India from 31th and would value your prayers. She has had various health issues recently. She also needs home student status for UK.
In general please pray for us and the churches here to be bold, clear and passionate about our Lord, for the many contacts we have to get converted and for the Holy Spirit to detonate a true revival in NE Japan.
Yours in Christ
Rod and Glenda
PS On a lighter note we had an eclipse of the sun on Monday... pretty cool!
Greetings from Sendai, Japan! We are so grateful for the army of prayer warriors who keep us and the work here before the Throne of Grace! I sent this out by email last week but have updated it. Sorry to have delayed posting the April one until now too.
We are thankful for the new faces at church. Miss N was being teased at work by some male colleagues and was quite tearful about it. So we advised her to tell the gospel to them boldly. As a result two of them have been coming to church for the last 3 weeks (Mr F and Mr H)! Neighbour old Mr C started coming a month ago and even attends the ladies meeting. Please pray for these and others to accept Christ.
1. We had an evangelistic mini-concert on Saturday (19th) at Temporary Housing. About 20 people came. The Tokyo team did Christian music and a young woman sang. It was fine so we had it outside the temporary housing in the carpark. Rod was also able to do a 10min message twice ( on the cross) and we had meaningful conversations with several people and 2-3 say they want bible studies.
2. Mini-worship at Gamo near the Harbour (20th) at 3pm. This was the 3rd time. We had 6 helpers from a Tokyo church and 8 of us from Sendai. About 8 local non-Christians came and one brand new Christian from the area. We sang about 5 hymns to wellknown tunes and Rod gave a message on the crucifixion from Luke 23 (thief on the cross etc). And afterwards we had tea and ate all Glenda's cakes. The new Christian is a young woman who was escaping from the tsunami when the water picked up her car and carried her 800m. She and her mother and granny spent the night on the car roof in the snow and she was sure her father had drowned. But the following morning they were re-united and she was determined to thank Jesus so she went to a RC church to thank the statue there and later got saved at the Franklin Graham meetings. She has been befriended by our young people which will be really helpful. We need to have a BS with her.
3. Please pray for our evangelistic mini-concert on Saturday (26th) at Temporary Housing at Shichigahama.
Another development is that Miss N brought a 3rd male friend to church on Sunday. He is a very nice young man and a PhD and he happily helped clean the toilets after the Gamo meeting! He just needs to believe.
Christine is writing A'levels in India from 31th and would value your prayers. She has had various health issues recently. She also needs home student status for UK.
In general please pray for us and the churches here to be bold, clear and passionate about our Lord, for the many contacts we have to get converted and for the Holy Spirit to detonate a true revival in NE Japan.
Yours in Christ
Rod and Glenda
PS On a lighter note we had an eclipse of the sun on Monday... pretty cool!