Saturday 5 September 2009


Dear Praying Friends

Thank you for your prayers!
Among other things, evangelism takes place on Sundays. The pastor preaches the gospel. The believers bring their friends and relatives to hear him. The believers need to have confidence that he'll be worth listening to. Sometimes believers lose their evangelistic concern and stop inviting contacts. And sometimes pastors become boring and an embarrassment to listen to. Pray for us all that we will not lose our cutting edge!

Specifically please pray for these people (again I have translated the names to make it more interesting and memorable):

1. The 'Fast Slope' family who were brought by their mother and church member Mrs 'High Bridge'.
2. Longterm inquirers Miss 'White Stone', and Mrs 'Mountain Cape'.
3. 60 year-old Mr 'High Field' who has been brought by his converted wife and daughter for 2 years.
4. Mr 'Little Spring' who has emotional issues and has attended most services this past year.
5. 'Violet's brother, 'Holy Servant' who is a university student that he will get converted and his name will come true.
6. All of the other 19,000 people within 5km of us in this unchurched area.

Evangelistic English classes restart this week. Men's Breakfast, Girls Fellowship and church barbecue are on 12th. English Cafe is on the 18th. We want to start Alpha courses if we can get enough people together. Our bible student studying in New Zealand, 'Faithful Light' asks for prayer whether he should come back to Japan now or study a 3rd year. Pray most of all for revival.

We are so thankful that our children spent long summer holidays at home. Andrew spent a total of 9 weeks with us, which is the longest we have had him since he was 10! Esther is now in Australia about to start the YWAM DTS, and Christine managed the solo travel and has been in India for 3 weeks. She writes that a Moslem threw a stone at a Hindu idol procession yesterday which sparked rioting in the town. The girl's dorm is off-campus and so the girls have to pass through town to school. She hoped classes would be cancelled. Pray the situation calms down.

Thanks again!

Yours in the Gospel

love from Rod and Glenda

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