Thursday 28 October 2010

October Prayer Partner Letter

Dear Praying Friends

Japan is living proof of a great spiritual truth that we cannot ignore. It is that only God can open blind eyes. Are 127 million Japanese spiritually blind? Yes! That is why after 120 years of evangelisation the percentage of Christians is still only 0.25. "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ…". It is a call to pray. And it is also a call to be faithful to the gospel and to renounce the gimmicks and human ideas, touted as the latest 'key' to mission success, that cycle through the world of mission every 5 years. Charismatic personalities, expensive programmes, great spiritual gifts and hard work avail nothing. 'Let there be light!'

Joel in Sendai said that, in a beautiful example of unselfish Kingdom thinking, some new people were encouraged to attend our church by US Presbyterian missionaries who work nearby. We also have several longterm inquirers who attend almost every meeting but still do not believe. Pray for God not to harden them as he could justly do but graciously bring 'sight to the inly blind' through his almighty word. Pray for the church to become independent so we can partner with them to plant another one!

Hear us, we humbly pray,
And, where the Gospel's day
Sheds not its glorious ray,
Let there be light!

We have learned a lot these past 5 months as we have engaged with UK churches and we are very thankful for that. We arrive in South Africa on 4th Nov. During November, ministry will be in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Kenilworth, Bellville, and Paarl. Thankfully too our supporters have pulled out all the stops and very kindly provided us with accommodation and transport. We are moving a lot so please use this postal address: Rod and Glenda Thomas c/o St James Church PO Box 2180 Clareinch 7740 South Africa. Christine goes back to India tomorrow (23rd Oct).

OMF has asked us to include these sentences about finance. "The overall income for the last 12 months for OMF workers in East Asia and the UK is 82% of our estimated needs. This has necessarily significantly limited some aspects of our ministry. The Thomases personal support income for the last 10 months is 66% of estimated needs". And will need to increase before we are allowed to return to Japan.

Yours in Jesus, the sun of righteousness risen with healing in his wings,

Rod and Glenda Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Have just heard about the quake. Not sure where you are but feel sure that you hearts will be with those you have worked with so faithfully in Japan....and the 127 million that God has burdened your heart with who refuse to see the light of the gospel.

    Love you guys still, even though we have lost contact

    Morag [nee Taylor]
