Tuesday 11 January 2011

Prayer Partner Letter December 2010

Dear Praying Friends

Thank you for your prayers! Christine leaves school tomorrow to fly to Mumbai and then to Jo'burg and then Cape Town. It is a long unfamiliar journey. Please pray for God's blessing and protection. She arrives Friday afternoon. Andrew has been with us since yesterday. We have until the end of the year as time off.

Joel writes that the farm buildings that the Sendai church were considering buying have been sold to someone else. On top of that some of the church members expressed reservations about it being further from public transport. So we trust that God has somewhere better for us. But we are glad that it has set them thinking and they will be better prepared to consider the next opportunity. Our goal is for the church to be independent, fruitful and strong.

We give thanks that our latest donation report shows that we are 85% supported. Thank you too, Lord, for the army of supporters whose sacrifices have made this possible.

In a passage speaking of the Messiah's reign, the Lord says "I will make the lame a remnant, those driven away a strong nation." Micah 4:7. How true this is in Japan where the national sin is pride! God often takes those with mental problems, those at the end of their tether and those who haven't been successful in society and incorporates them into his church rather than the successful and self-sufficient, so that no one may boast, as Paul also says in 1 Cor 1:28-29. Please pray for us as we prepare to go back to the work in Japan and for Joel and Seiko there.

Finally, thank you all for your prayers and support this past year and may God give you a very happy Christmas with family and friends.

love from Rod and Glenda

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