Thursday 16 February 2012

Prayer Partner Letter January 2012

Dear Praying friends,

Thank you for your prayers! May you all have a very happy and blessed 2012.

1. We are so grateful that all of our children came out for at least 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year. What a blessing! But now they have all gone back.

2. On Monday we had a evangelistic concert at a temporary housing site for tsunami victims. About 30 people came and the gospel was proclaimed. There was a good atmosphere but please pray for God to open hearts. In the next 6 weeks we have 8 such concerts. Many of the victims are elderly and traditional and set in their ways. Also they are housed according to the areas they come from. So it is quite likely that they have the same neighbours - which always makes it difficult to strike out on their own. But grace can overcome the fear of man.

3. Christine is having her first university interview today (11th) at Oxford Brookes and on 18th at York, to do Occupational Therapy. She has managed the UK train system better than she feared but would appreciate your prayers for the offer of a place.

4. Mr High Bridge, neighbour to the church is now regular at services- please pray for his conversion..

5. We thank God for the believers in the church for their faith, cheerfulness and cooperation though some of them have severe trials.

6. Tomorrow we have another Bible Study in Yamamoto about 1 hours S of Sendai - four ladies who seem to be interested in the gospel.

7. Let's keep praying for revival in NE Japan as elsewhere. But God would have us also pray for boldness in telling the gospel - Acts 4:29-30.

love from Rod and Glenda

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